Don't let debt control your life
Get back on track today

In the club, you will learn:

  • How to recreate your unique life plan to get back on track
  • Why your debt is controlling your life
  • Discover your money habits
  • FREE Access to money Management software for 30 days
  • Strategies to optimise your bills or expenses such as food, transportation
  • Weekly training in private Facebook group.

What if you could manage your finances and give yourself a
pay rise in the next 28 days?

Quickly sort out your money

Have clarity on what your money is doing and where it is going

Give yourself at least a 5% pay rise this year

Most likely you’ve been managing your money passively. An example of managing your money passively is using a tool that only tracks your finances. That is not proper money management.

Know your net worth

Wake up each morning without thinking about debt

Treat yourself to that lovely bag or shoes and not feel guilty

My clients know their net worth and understand their net worth. They actively manage their money is using WIZEFI. With this software you’re able to see how the spending decisions you make today impacts your goals, especially when you’ll reach financial freedom.

Contact information

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Financial Fixer Academy Membership50x $29.97/wk
  • Preferred option
    Financial Fixer Academy Membership Annual payment$1597.00/yr

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Get 30 days Debt Elimination course. If you need help or an accountability partner during the course please email

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  • Total payment
  • 1xFFA Membership$0

All prices in USD
